Bunnies are awesome

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Chameleons are attacking!!
4/10/2015 3:44pm

Just a warning to everyone that the christalisis chameleons have over multiplied and they are attacking at large. Please stay in your class rooms and stay calm. If you are being attacked by the chameleons please contact the the Biology teachers at once through your mind. If you feel you can help then please make your way safely to the Biology staff department. Please be aware of the hypnotising powers of the chameleons and do not look at them directly in the eye.
Thankyou and please stay calm,

Bunnies are awesome

Chameleons are attacking!!
4/10/2015 3:28pm

My name is Charlotte and I have just enrolled in Phsycic High School.
I am excited and don't know what to expect. I love bunnies and can't wait to start.
Bunnies are awesome